Candida Diet to eliminate persistant yeast problems
Most people know
Candida Albicans as thrush, but it is much more than this. Candida can be anywhere in the body and show other problems than just thrush. The Candida diet is one of the best ways to eliminate persistant yeast problems.
There is no simple treatment for Candida. Stopping the growth of the fungus and driving it out of the tissues are the goals of a multilevel treatment.
Things you can do to help with Candida
*Immediate elimination of antibiotics, birth control pills and other hormone-altering substances.
*A diet designed to stop feeding the yeast.
*Homeopathic liquid, like Candex--which permeate the intestines and help destroy Candida throughout the body or Ayurvedic remedies like NVD.
*Strengthening of the immune system through supplementation. Specially a good probiotic. See Probiotics.
The diets required to starve out Candida eliminate all sources of yeast and fungus and all sugars and sweets, including lactose-containing dairy products, except for butter. If you can handle going on a fast, do it.
Mild cases of Candida (yeast infections and vague symptoms that are recent) will usually respond to the Candida Diet No. 1.
Moderate Candida (chronic, severe yeast infections or definite, interfering symptoms) would best respond to the Candida Diet No. 2.
Severe cases, which may have begun in early childhood or are debilitating (cannot work, difficulty functioning), would require the persistent efforts of the Candida Diet No. 3.
Each diet is listed with foods to eliminate, to reduce, and to emphasize. In addition, each level has its recommended nutritional supplementation.
Candida Diet No. 1: Mild
For persistent vaginal yeast infections with no other symptoms. This diet will help you get the Candida under control and prevent recurrent outbreaks.
Foods to Eliminate
Sugar in all forms, including honey, except occasional whole fresh fruit.
Fungus, moulds, and yeast in all forms, including vitamins and minerals.
Most B vitamins (unless label states otherwise).
Most breads and commercial baked goods. (Yeast free is possible but must be fresh because of moulds).
All alcoholic beverages.
Vinegar and all foods containing vinegar, including salad dressing, sauerkraut, green olives, pickled vegetables, and relishes.
Some crackers (read labels carefully for yeast ingredients).
Fermented products including soy sauce (tamari) and tofu.
Dry roasted nuts.
Potato or Corn chips.
Most commercial soups.
Apple cider and natural root beer.
White flour.
Bacon and other pork, which often contain moulds.
Whole grains and starchy vegetables until symptoms lessen.
Fruit and diluted fruit juices, which may cause yeast to grow.
Nuts and seeds (small amounts).
Beans and other legumes (small amounts).
Eggs, fish, chicken, turkey, seafood, lamb, and veal.
Vegetables except corn and potatoes.
Vegetables that inhibit the growth of Candida: raw garlic, onions, cabbage, broccoli, turnip, kale.
Supplements for Candida Diet No. 1
Take for one month.
Yeast-free multi-vitamin/minerals.
1000 milligrams vitamin C, three times a day.
Zinc , start with 25mg increasing to 75mg every evening.
Lactobacilus acidophilus tablets to increase intestinal bacteria. See Probiotics.
Candida Diet No. 2: Moderate
For chronic vaginal yeast infections, or additional symptoms which prevent you from feeling really good, begin with this diet. If Diet No. 1 did not clear up your symptoms, incorporate these suggestions into your program as well.
Same as Diet No. 1 -- Plus
Wheat, oats, rye and barley, which contain gluten and can feed Candida.
Fruit and diluted fruit juices, high in fructose (fruit sugar).
Same as Diet No. 1, except for some whole grains: brown rice, millet, buckwheat, cornmeal.
Herb teas and spices, which may contain moulds.
Same as Diet No.1
Supplements for Candida Diet No. 2
Yeast-free multi-vitamin/minerals.
1000 milligrams vitamin C, four times a day.
Lactobacilus acidophilus in large quantities with approx. 2 billion organisms per gram) to help repopulate the intestines. Take 1/2 teaspoon morning and evening on an empty stomach. See Probiotics.
2 teaspoons coconut oil with 2 teaspoons oat bran, three times a day.
100 micrograms selenium for immune system support.
400 iu dry vitamin E for immune system support.
20,000 iu beta carotene for immune system support.
Digestive enzymes, with pancreatin, after meals and before bed, to help digest the food you eat as well as undigested food particles in the bloodstream.
Zinc , start with 25mg increasing to 75mg every evening.
Candex to improve immune response and eliminate the fungus.
Candida Diet No. 3: Severe
Some people are debilitated by Candida and cannot function at work or can barely get through the day. If you were exposed to high levels of antibiotics as a child, or if you have had severe symptoms for more than four years, go directly to this diet. If your symptoms did not clear up with Diet No. 2, advance to this one until they diminish.
Foods to Eliminate
Same as Diets no. 1 and 2.
Dried meat and smoked meat, fish of poultry, including sausage, hot dogs, luncheon meats, smoked turkey, and smoked salmon.
Nuts and seeds, which may contain mould.
All grains, except a little rice and millet.
Herb teas and spices.
Foods You Can Eat -- YEAH!!
Eggs, fish, chicken, turkey, seafood, lamb, or veal, sautéed in a little butter or safflower oil or baked with vegetables.
Steamed, sautéed, or baked vegetables, especially onions, garlic, cabbage, broccoli, turnips, and kale. All vegetables are fine except potatoes and corn, which are high in carbohydrates.
Sautéed vegetables on rice cakes, or a vegetable omelette.
Salads seasoned with safflower oil and a little fresh lemon juice.
Gazpacho, tomato-based fish chowder, vegetable soup.
Small quantities of rice and millet. A cold rice salad with steamed vegetables, seasoned with oil and lemon juice; sautéed rice with vegetables, or simply steamed vegetables with either grain are a few ideas that will work on this program. Rice cakes, found in some supermarkets and health food stores, can be used instead of bread.
Vegetable sticks with guacamole dip (avocado, fresh tomatoes, onions, lemon juice, and a little salt) for a snack.
Supplements for Candida Diet No. 3
Yeast-free multi-vitamin/mineral.
Digestive enzymes with pancreatin after meals and before bed.
1000 milligrams vitamin C an hour (up to 10 grams/day) for immune system.
Acidophilus in large quantities to repopulate the intestinal bacteria. Take 1/2 teaspoon morning and evening on an empty stomach. See Probiotics
2 Teaspoons coconut oil with 2 teaspoons oat bran, three times a day, 100 micrograms selenium three times a day, for immune system.
400 iu dry vitamin E two times a day for immune system.
20,000 iu beta carotene, for immune system.
Pau D'Arco tea (taheebo tea), an herb tea from South America, which kills fungus, one cup three times a day.
Candex (only available in the US) to improve immune response and eliminate the fungus.
Nystatin in powder form, available by medical prescription.
Zinc , start with 25mg increasing to 75mg every evening.
After All
As soon as you are free from symptoms, begin reintroducing a few foods slowly. The last ones to add would be sugar, yeast, vinegar, and mushrooms.
*It may be necessary for you to stay on the Candida Albicans Diet for a number of months.
The more thoroughly you are able to stay on these diets, the faster you can eliminate excess Candida. However, it is better to be on a modified diet than on no diet at all. Some patients would rather eat sugar or have a glass of wine occasionally even though it may mean being on the diet for a longer period of time.
Drink at least 2 litres daily of clean pure water. Consider lymphatic drainage techniques to keep the lymph system moving. Also consider exercises like a rebounder and the Yoga Swing.